Triple Treatment in 1 Appointment with Cynosure® Icon™ Laser
Many look for a treatment that gives dramatic improvement after one treatment. Treatments that are most popular deliver results for a brighter, glowing complexion, minimize fine lines or wrinkles, remove unwanted pigment, address facial veins and reduce redness.
The Triple Treatment in 1 Appointment is a great treatment to target a variety of skin concerns including:
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles
- Freckles
- Age Spots
- Vascular Lesions
- Scars/Acne Scars
- Sun Damage
The Triple Treatment in 1 Appointment is a comprehensive treatment that targets unwanted wrinkles, sun damage, and facial veins all in one laser treatment.
It is a great non-ablative treatment meaning it is a less invasive treatment without the 1-2 weeks of downtime. The Triple Treatment in 1 Appointment’s fractional laser heats up the targeted tissue without destroying it. This stimulates your body’s collagen production to fill in unwanted skin imperfections such as fine lines or wrinkles. The laser works to reduce wrinkles, skin irregularities, brown spots, acne scars, enlarged pores, and other blemishes. Added benefits include minimal downtime because the laser targets below the surface.
What does treatment look like?
First part of the treatment is IPL (Intense Pulse Light) to target sun damage, uneven skin, and unwanted pigmentation such as freckles, brown spots or age spots. The IPL also targets unwanted facial veins, broken blood vessels, spider veins and rosacea.
Second part of the treatment is the 1540 Fractional XD Lens Laser that penetrates deep below the skin’s surface without breaking the skin to stimulate new collagen and elastin production. This helps with the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, and texture irregularities.
The third and final part of the Triple Treatment is the 1540 Fractional XF Lens Laser that also renews and repairs skin. This lens penetrates below the dermis and smooths out irregularities. The XF fine tunes the effects of the XD lens.
With this treatment, you will begin to notice results right away, and these improvements will increase over the course of six months. For maximum results a series of treatments is recommended.
If you are considering treatment please give us a call for your complimentary consultation. We would be happy to give you a skin assessment and individualized treatment plan.
Give us a call at 949-704-5071!