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Non-Invasive Cosmetic and Laser Specialists in Irvine, CA

Bikini Season calls for SculpSure on those Troublesome Areas

Bikini Season calls for SculpSure on those Troublesome Areas

New and improved technologies are developed to shape and remove fat. Non-invasive treatments offer patients the luxury of no downtime and alternative options to meet their needs of self-improvement. However surgery will be the option with the most dramatic change. If...
Get Red Carpet Ready with PicoSure Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Get Red Carpet Ready with PicoSure Laser Skin Rejuvenation

The Picosure laser targets hyper pigmentation and stimulates new collagen. You can improve tone and texture and reduce signs of aging with minimal risks and pain. PicoSure differs by using highly targeted energy as gentle pressure by converting the wavelength 755nm...
Potential Risks of Laser Tattoo Removal

Potential Risks of Laser Tattoo Removal

Before starting the process of laser tattoo removal its important to understand that results may vary with each individual. Some tattoos partially fade after a few treatments and may leave a faint outline of your tattoo, like a “ghost image.” The number of treatments...